+32-10-47 41 43 | info@aiece.org

Association of European Conjuncture Institutes

News & Information

New AIECE home page is public

Today the new AIECE home page went public featuring a new design and easy access to all documents.

Parts of the page are still under construction, however,  Especially, uploading of the complete history will take some time.

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AIECE - Association Of European Conjuncture Institutes


AIECE Contact

Association of

European Conjuncture Institutes

Tel: 32-10-47 41 43 or 32-10-47 34 26
Fax: 32-10-47.39.45

Informations & Quicklinks

"The AIECE is an association of independent economic research  institutes set up in 1957 to facilitate exchange on the economic outlook and economic policies in Europe. In 2019 the Association groups 40 members or observing institutes, representing 19 countries and 5 international organizations."     » read more