AIECE - Association Of European Conjuncture Institutes

The AIECE (Association d'instituts européens de conjoncture économique) organises between its members an exchange of view and information about the European Economic Outlook.




The main objective of the Association is to stimulate the exchanges between its members with a view to improve their insight into international economic developments.

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Members & Observers

In 2019, the Association comprises 40 members or observing Institutes, representing 19 countries and 5 international organizations.

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The AIECE holds semi-annual meetings in order to discuss the outlook and current economic policy challenges as well as methodological issues.

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Reports, documents &

Documents produced and presented in the context of AIECE Meetings by category and year.

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News & Information

2024 Spring Meeting Agenda

The AIECE Spring meeting will take place on 16th and 17th and will be hosted by Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) in Köln.

Download the programme.

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Meeting in Brussels 23rd and 24th November 2023

The next AIECE Fall meeting will take place on 23rd and 24th November in Brussels.


Charlemagne Building - Room 15/023
Rue de la Loi, 170


Download the agenda


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AIECE - Association Of European Conjuncture Institutes
AIECE Logo 2018

Means & Objectives

The main objective of the Association is to stimulate the exchanges between its members with a view to improve their insight into international economic developments.

This ranges from the exchange of statistical or institutional information to discussions on economic policy guidelines to common research activities.

The AIECE organises between its members an exchange of view, of information and of literature on international economic development, in particular in Europe. The Association provides the framework for joint activities of its members in areas of common interest. Its structure allows its members to develop common views on future cyclical development.


AIECE Contact

Association of

European Conjuncture Institutes

Tel: 32-10-47 41 43 or 32-10-47 34 26
Fax: 32-10-47.39.45

Informations & Quicklinks

"The AIECE is an association of independent economic research  institutes set up in 1957 to facilitate exchange on the economic outlook and economic policies in Europe. In 2019 the Association groups 40 members or observing institutes, representing 19 countries and 5 international organizations."     » read more